Monday, April 30, 2012

Believing in God, the universe and karma.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about our world and how messed up it is.
To quote Brooke Davis, season 5/6 "It's official, life sucks and then you die."

Christians/Catholics (forgive me if I'm wrong) believe in a God, a man who determines and chooses how your life plays out. I have no problem with these people. I personally don't believe in God, but I fully support those who do.

In my daily life, I'll often refer to occurrences as "karma" or "fate" or even just as "a sign". But when I ask myself what I truly believe in, I don't believe in that stuff. That the universe has mysterious ways of showing us the way. That the actions we make every day come back to us in some form of payback, something that karma thinks we deserve. But when I stop believing in those things and I accept the fact that there is nothing other than us people and the world and our environment and the choices we make are purely our own and the events that occur are choices of others and we just happened to be in their path, its too hard.

The immensity and weight of this truth is too much to bear on one small person, in one small part of the world so I pass that burden on to some invisible force that I don't really believe in so that I don't have to carry that around. Which is why I never question others about their beliefs in God or nature or the invisible forces of the universe, because its just too hard to face.


Unknown said...

I agree with you to an extent....

To the extent where I dont believe in god and I respect those who do. However, belief in what I consider a fairy tale is only impeding on the true spiritual and technological aspects of humanity.

Belief in a god does impart a sense of morality but does it through fear-mongering. I highly object to that. So my respect for christians go only so far.

I agree that the burdens one may undergo throughout their life may be too much...thats why I dont try to undermine anyone's belief, especially when it's their 'lifeline'.

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