I've been feeling a little unbalanced lately. Well, actually, a lot unbalanced. A LOT.
So I'm going to try this online diary/online blogging thing again in the hopes that it will be somehow cathartic for me. (I hope that's how you're meant to use that word... Fancy, right?)
I have a new layout and its nice and all that, most of them are, but I've spent the last hour going through pages and pages of blog templates, and none of them seem to fit me. I love the elaborate artistic ones, but as I'm not the artistic type, I feel like a fraud using them. I tried looking for something romantic, but seeing as I'm not a huge girly-girl, it didn't seem appropriate either. The colourful ones are bright and fun but yet again not me. And this sort of leads me to where my mind's been at the past couple of weeks. I have no definition of myself. I'm a mess. So, I settled with this one.
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